Let’s defiantly slow down, shall we?

I think about this a lot - the fact that the things that help us do things faster and “connect” us - often force us to live faster than we need to and give us more access to artificial relationships that make us think we are connecting when we really are not. I think about the amount of time I waste doom-scrolling thoughtlessly and how many people can’t control their addiction, so they have to set social media timers and locks. I was taught that if I wanted to be a working photographer, then I needed to find ways to sneak into people’s algorithm and find the fastest and easiest way for people to take a glance at my work. I don’t know…I think I just don’t like that.

Everything we are experiencing tells me that we need to slow down and take some time for ourselves.

So let’s do that here when you feel like taking a little photographic journey somewhere with me. Grab a coffee or a tea and a snack and flip through these photographs slowly. You don’t even have to tell me you like them, I truly mean that. I just hope you enjoy them enough to stay for a few minutes, for no other reason than maybe it’ll make your soul happy for a few moments. I think we deserve that.

-Po Chi

Come Wander With Me in Cuba

Be Still With Me